About ArtsvilleUSA

ArtsvilleUSA brings opportunities and benefits to artists and art lovers in Asheville and beyond. Anyone, everywhere in the world is welcome to enjoy our exhibitions, podcasts, blog, virtual + live events, and discussion groups.
Artsville is a wholly owned subsidiary of Arterial, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, C.A. As such, Artsville is treated as a disregarded entity for tax purposes, including its status as a for-profit company. Thus, contributions to Arterial and designated for Artsville are fully tax deductible.
What We Do
SHOW in our virtual gallery
The ArtsvilleUSA online exhibition space provides a virtual format for artists to show their work. Artists provide a statement, headshot, and images of their art, which are posted by the Artsville team. This format provides an opportunity for artists to broaden their reach to Artsville's expansive network of collectors, art enthusiasts, and supporters.
TALK on our podcast
The Artsville Podcast is available on all listening platforms and features extensive show notes here on our podcast pages. Created in partnership with Crewest Studio/ LA, Artsville celebrates contemporary American arts & crafts from Asheville and beyond for folks from all over the world to discover western North Carolina’s creativity and culture. Artsville interviews with artists and community leaders feel like a conversation with friends.
TELL through our blog and newsletter
Our blog here at artsvilleusa.com, Artsville Connection, reaches your inbox with stories and news from artists and writers in Asheville and beyond. The content covers all things creative in art and craft including featured artist stories, personal stories and news from artists and artisans, professionals, and collectors.