Admin Training
Here are resources to help you maintain your website
Polymash Training and Tutorial Videos
How to create and manage events
How to process Artsville Show Notes
StoryChief Academy
Basic Videos

SEO Fundamentals for Writers

2024 Analytics For Artsville
A quick video overview for Artsville traffic analytics and also the role that SEO keywords and SEO Trends have. (For a full chapter by chapter view, click here)
Requesting Access To Google Analytics
To ensure our team members gain a solid understanding of Google Analytics before accessing the platform, several high-quality free online courses are available. Here are the top recommendations:

- Ignore the setup lessons: Keep in mind that the setup lessons are irrelevant since GA is already installed
- Focus on Standard Reports: Everything else about GA4 is complicated and requires the technical skills to do custom setup of Google Tag Manager
- Request Access: once the course has been completed, contact support [at] polymash dot com for access.
Easier To Use Google Analytics - for iPhone and iPad
The Google Analytics mobile app allows you to monitor your business in real-time, build your own reports, and take quick actions to optimize your account. I find this option a lot easier to use than the full website, which is plastered with all sorts of features and reports you never need. On the website, it is easy to get lost in the customization options.
The reports and screens on the iPhone and iPad apps are much simpler and more user-friendly.
iPhone and iPad

Android Devices
Better Alternative to Google Analytics: Usermaven
- Usermaven: This is why we invested in a better analytics platform. It was installed in July 2024 and will be a better and more flexible sources for any and all website traffic questions.

- Platform Seats: Contact Scott for permission to get direct access to this platform, as there are costs involved for additional seats. We are using this for NOT REAL ART and for tracking the results and comparisons of paid promotions, campaigns and content such as podcast episodes vs. blog posts vs. other articles.
We also have a platform for tracking SEO keywords: SEO Crawl
- It is possible to request access to monthly reports for this.

Learning Ghost
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